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IoT Security
You can’t secure what you can’t see
There are now more Internet of Things (IoT) devices than there are humans on Earth. Smart devices have fundamentally altered the way businesses promote their products, communicate with their customers, and run their organizations.
IoT devices have opened up a world of opportunity for businesses and, unfortunately, for cybercriminals. Each new connected device means a new potential cyber attack vector, but most enterprises have zero visibility into 80% of the devices connected to their networks. If you don’t know a device is there, you can’t secure it -- and you can bet that a hacker will eventually find it!

Accurate discovery & intelligent threat management for even the most sensitive smart devices
Most IoT scanning and vulnerability management devices suffer from three problems. They don’t identify connected devices accurately and reliably; they can’t handle slow network environments, which are frequently found at the edge; and they cannot be trusted to scan sensitive devices, such as those used for medical, military, and critical infrastructure applications.
FortifiedLogic uses the Suavei intelligent IoT scanning system, which was designed specifically to protect the world’s most sensitive smart devices from attacks by cybercriminals operating on behalf of rogue nation-states or other organized groups. The Suavei IoT scanning tool is cloud-based, fully automated, and self‑calibrating. It employs the same AI deep learning algorithms used by self-driving cars to navigate roads to identify and navigate network-connected devices. It also self-optimizes bandwidth usage, allowing for accurate, efficient, and automated assessment of edge devices with low bandwidth and/or high latency networks, without stressing devices or clogging the network.
Be prepared for California’s new IoT law
Are you ready to comply with California SB-327? Beginning on January 1, 2020, any manufacturer of an IoT device that will be “sold or offered for sale in California” will be required to equip it with “reasonable” security features. The Suavei IoT intelligent scanning tool provides complete reports out of the box to help enterprises comply with California SB-327 and other IoT privacy and security regulations.

Dont forgo security because you think its out of reach.
Contact FortifiedLogic for an all encompassing small business security solution today